Eugenia Price
1) Lighthouse
In this enthralling first novel of the St. Simons Trilogy, Eugenia Price shares the compelling story of James Gould, a young man with a passionate dream. Raised in post-Revolution Granville, Massachusetts, Gould could only imagine the beauty and warmth of lands to the south. It was there that he longed to build bridges and lighthouses from his very own design and plans. The gripping story unfolds as Gould follows his dream to the raw settlement of...
A story of faith and courage that follows the struggle of James Gould's son Horace to find his own place in life. Reaching manhood in the tumultuous years before the Civil War, Horace returns to St. Simons and finds himself disheartened by the intolerance on his beloved island. However, he wins the heart of lovely neighbor Deborah Abbott, who adores her "Mr. Gould" and becomes his wife, despite the difference in their years. She is not concerned with...
A wealthy young northerner, Anson Dodge, discovers new meaning in his life on St. Simons Island, Georgia, just after the Civil War. A man of remarkable and unforgettable kindness and strength, he shares his heart with two very different women--Ellen, who passionately adores him, and Anna, who comforts him in sorrow. They each surrender themselves to his dreams. Anson's story unfolds as a beautiful tale of honor when he rebuilds the war-torn Christ...
From one of America's best-loved storytellers, The Waiting Time is an ambitious, romantic, historically rich epic, sure to delight new and loyal readers alike Spirited Abigail Banes dreams her newly married life coastal Georgia will be lived amid spreading magnolia trees, where lovers walk and whisper along blossom-lined paths. But her dreams are shattered when a fatal accident claims her husband, Eli, leaving her sole proprietor of their rice plantation-and...
" Georgia, 1842. In this grand and passionate era of American history, forged by the dreams of extraordinary men and women, the McKay, Browning, and Stiles families find themselves experiencing love, hardship, and pain in the great Southern city of Savannah. The willful Natalie Browning Latimer's newfound marital bliss has been threatened by a shattering loss, while the ambitious W. H. Stiles becomes wrapped up in a daring political trail that leads...
Georgia trilogy (Eugenia Price) volume 1
A contingent of British Royal Marines, including John Fraser, invades Cumberland Island, making Dungeness their headquarters and all the occupants, including Anne Couper, the young daughter of a prominent St. Simons family, their captives.
Florida trilogy volume 3
In this powerful crescendo to Eugenia Price's acclaimed Florida Trilogy, young and headstrong Margaret Seton vows to win the heart of grieving widower Lewis Fleming.
Margaret's Story tells of the heartwarming relationship between the bold Margaret and her beloved Lewis, and how it plays out against dangerous and tumultuous events while spanning almost half a century. Experiencing Seminole uprisings, Florida's burgeoning statehood, the Civil War,...
Georgia trilogy (Eugenia Price) volume 3
A new edition of the best selling third volume of the Georgia Trilogy, presented by Turner Publishing
For three decades, Eugenia Price has entranced millions of readers with her sweeping, romantic chronicles of life in the American South. In all its beauty, glory, infamy, and tragedy, Ms. Price's South is at once mysterious and heartbreakingly familiar.
Beauty from Ashes is the long-awaited concluding volume in Ms. Price's Georgia Trilogy, preceded...
9) Savannah
"Orphaned Mark Browning was only twenty when he renounced his father's fortune and sailed to Savannah, his mother's birthplace. and the home of two remarkable women. The first is Eliza McQueen Mackay, his mentor's beautiful wife, whom Mark loves with a deep, pure love that can never be spoken. The other is lovely young Caroline Cameron, whose life is blighted by a secret that has tormented her grandparents for half a century--a secret that affects...
"Savannah, 1854. Throughout the city's elegant streets, stirrings of the Civil War are taking hold. For three families, the Brownings, the Mackays, and the Stileses, the war has already begun within their hearts, drawing battle lines where once there was love. Mark Browning's unwavering faith in the Union sparks a battle of conscience that threatens all that he holds dear. and challenges the loyalty of his headstrong daughter, Natalie. The elderly...
"Natalie Browning was a spoiled belle of sixteen when she met the man of her dreams aboard the steamship Pulaski. Burke Latimer, only eight years her senior, was a self-made man with no time for a pretty child. Then a night of terror ended the voyage and Burke discovered another Natalie. But the night that brought him love also wreaked disaster on his fortune, and Burke was forced to ask Natalie to wait until he could make a home worthy of her. Life...
12) Don Juan McQueen
Florida trilogy volume 1
Bestselling author Eugenia Price captures the drama, the glory, and the pure emotion of Southern life and love with perfection in Don Juan McQueen.
A powerful novel by Eugenia Price, Don Juan McQueen tells the story of John McQueen, an American patriot and friend of Washington and Jefferson, who finds himself bankrupt and forced to flee to Spanish East Florida to escape imprisonment. Anne, his beautiful wife, and children remain in Savannah, Georgia,...
14) Diary of a novel
Lippincott & Crowell
Pub. Date
This is only one of the many revelations in Eugenia Price's intimate account of the many months she spent sorting through voluminous historical research and writing “Margaret's Story”, the third novel in her Florida trilogy. Published as a companion to the novel, this journal offers a fascinating view of the author at work as the novel developed week by week.
Here, for the sharing, is her excitement as her story's characters emerge—living,...
15) Where shadows go
Georgia trilogy (Eugenia Price) volume 2
Pub. Date
A new edition of Book 2 in the best selling Georgia Trilogy, presented by Turner Publishing
For more than twenty-eight years, Eugenia Price, America's first lady of storytelling, has enchanted millions of readers worldwide with her gripping and evocative historical sagas. Now, with Where Shadows Go, the sequel to her bestselling novel Bright Captivity, Ms. Price re-creates life on a nineteenth-century plantation for her most dramatic and resonant...